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We believe that a well-rounded History curriculum will allow children to gain a coherent knowledge and understanding of Britain’s past and that of the wider world. 

We aim for children to: 

  • Encourage historical enquiry 

  • Develop an understanding of historical chronology 

  • Use a variety of historical sources (e.g. diaries, letters, interviews, oral histories, photographs, newspaper articles) 

  • Develop an understanding of local, national and international history 

  • Encourage opportunities to make Comparisions and links across historical periods 

We have taken the decision to teach our pupils the British History programmes of study in a chronological order. This supports their understanding of the events in order and prior learning is revisited before the delivery of each new area of learning. 

Through the teaching of History, we endeavour to teach children to understand the complexity of people’s lives, the process of change, the diversity of societies and relationships between different groups, as well as their own identity and the challenges of their time. We believe that teaching History in this way is important in broadening children's horizons, challenging preconceived ideas and developing life skills in order to prepare them for their future lives. 

Children explore key concepts as they move through the school. Our curriculum is laid out in such a way that the children will initially learn about their immediate history, that being their family and location. This will be a starting block in EYFS and built upon as they enter Key Stage 1. Once this is consolidated, they will gain a wider experience of global history. As a child moves through our school, their historical knowledge and understanding will deepen as it would have been built on the foundations laid in the previous years. 

Knowledge organisers are used to support the key facts in History – these are sent home to parents and used within the classroom. 

Assessment data is collated each term (x3) by class teachers and an overview maintained by the Curriculum Leader.  

Programme of Study: